
where you are an active participant of your own experience!

About Our Company

Because YOU are the next best thing!

We set out to slow your roll! Really.

We want to show you the practice of intention, of re-connection, of downloading your personal values as the guide to frame your decision and your thoughts.

Your intention is placed where you choose. It requires extraordinary effort in order for you to be intentional. It starts with ‘re-establishing’ the link with yourself, ‘download’ the direction from your personal values and ‘apply’ that through all things lay ahead, with an understanding that this journey does not conclude at a destination.

“Practice. Until what was a struggle before is now fluent and flawless. Until conscious incompetence becomes unconscious competence.”


“Setting intention gives us a chance to pause, reflect, and be an active participant in our own experience.”


“It is easier to act your way into a better way of thinking than to think your way into a better way of acting.” 


  • Embracing Chaos for Transformative Results

    Embracing Chaos for Transformative Results

    Yuval Noah Harari once said, “In a world deluged by irrelevant information, clarity is power.” This will be the basis to close my 3-part chaotic series, and box up 2023 for storage. Thanks to those who messaged me from the first two write-ups and shared a common theme: we need to acknowledge that chaos is…

  • Making Sense of Chaos – part 2

    Making Sense of Chaos – part 2

    We have recently witnessed “chaos in the making” inside the board room all the way to staff lounges and hallways at OpenAI. The speed of the decisions, the number of players in the “decision-making” game, the impact rippled across platforms, and the outcomes of it – all within 72 hours. In part 1, I provided…

  • Making Sense of Chaos – part 1

    Making Sense of Chaos – part 1

    A perfect one-word to describe the year 2023: Chaos. It is a perfectly opposite word that I had in mind when starting the year, which in business context, I can equate its meaning as: unexpected outcome to a planned strategy. Let’s take stock on the happenings around us: the multiple wars that weight on the…

  • Embrace the Cactus!

    Embrace the Cactus!

    I recently completed a self-assessment on my understanding of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) surveyed by Harvard University. The assessment was intuitive and covered major issues in this space. The results confirm that I don’t know what I don’t know, and amplify my very own biases. Uncomfortably and emotionally reflect on my limited knowledge…

  • The Long and Short of Gap Year

    The Long and Short of Gap Year

    Currently, the “Gap Year Club” has many members: high school seniors, college students, graduate candidates, sabbatical, vacationers, athletes, to name a few.  It is no doubt the current pandemic drives the decisions to take a gap year.  And to be in line with the upcoming Fall 2020 academic, I asked everyone this very question: Would a gap year…

  • Embracing Groundlessness

    Embracing Groundlessness

    Five weeks of remote work and shelter-in-place can shift our worlds to another dimension. It undoubtedly spins mine at an unusually high speed, lifts me out of my elements, and dips me into quicksand. Yes, losing ground and equanimity have not been fun. There are talks on work – life balance. There are discussions on…

  • An Elevated Sense of “we”

    An Elevated Sense of “we”

    “Of all the forces that exerted on us over our lifetime, at least for me, love has been the most powerful of all. As our population increases, our planet becomes smaller and smaller. It’s therefore very important that we all learn how to love and accept each other and whenever that’s not possible, at least…

  • Balance: Notice Its Absence and Celebrate Its Presence

    Balance: Notice Its Absence and Celebrate Its Presence

    You must have wondered why I have an image of million pieces of confetti freely flying and happily falling in the middle of the stadium. And if you notice the color, it’s about 50 shades of purple. This is how I would like to celebrate being a woman on International Women Day 2019, unfiltered and unscripted.…